We are what we consistently do. Consistently choose to show up, put in the work, and be the best version of you.


Personal training is a vehicle for assisting others in reaching their full physical and mental potential. Personal training is tailored and catered to each individual based on their goals, needs and current abilities. What you put in is what you get out.

60 Minute Session

Train 1-on-1 and receive personalized, results-direct training. I’ll assess you regularly for strength, body composition, lifestyle, and diet to properly track your achievements. We’ll push you through programs that will get you where you want to be.

SeMI-Private TRaining

Maximum of 2 people working together and pushing each other under the supervision of Dr. Christine. Programming will be based on merging each individual’s goals and current fitness level to create for an effective cohesive training session.


20 session commitment. Memberships are vetted and limited to 100 only. We cap our membership numbers to ensure the gym is never too busy.